South-east Europe is the most difficult link in the chain that the EU seeks to create as part of the energy union in order to enhance security of energy supplies and the diversification of sources and to create ‘energy islands’. A few days ago in Sofia, at the first meeting of representatives of countries in the region, under the authority of the Commission, the Vice-President for Energy Union, Mr Maroš Šefčovič, said that each country in the region, such as Bulgaria and Greece, should have access to three sources of natural gas through the creation of an energy hub, where three pipelines will meet (South Stream, South Energy Corridor and TANAP/TAP).

In view of the above, will the Commission say:
1. What does it intend to do to ensure the energy independence of the south-west part of the EU?
2. What role can Greece and Bulgaria play in an advanced energy union and in achieving the targets for renewable energy sources?
3. What role can south-east Europe and exploration work in the area of Cyprus play in planning the energy union and the security of the EU’s energy supplies?

Answer given by Mr Arias Cañete on behalf of the Commission

The Commission would refer the Honourable Member to its answer to Written Question E-003001/2015(1).
