Recently, we have been witnessing attempts by members of the Greek Government to silence and terrorise journalists and cartoonists. Their efforts include the recent arrest of the editor-in-chief of a newspaper inside the newspaper’s offices, and the hearing of a lawsuit against a cartoonist with a claim for compensation of EUR 2 000 000. This situation once again demonstrates the absence of an institutional framework to protect the media and journalists’ freedom of expression at EU level. Following Commissioner Oettinger’s previous update on/commitment to the creation of an independent European authority that will be able to monitor Member States:

1. What is the Commission’s view on the spreading practice of Member State governments terrorising dissenting journalists and cartoonists by bringing them to trial?
2. When should we expect a specific institutional framework to protect the media and freedom of expression at EU level and the establishment of a monitoring and sanctioning mechanism for Member States that fail to uphold the principles of the European Union?