A8-0226/2016 - Mercedes Bresso

in writing. - With a view to boosting investment, the Juncker Commission has introduced an Investment Plan for Europe and set up a European Fund for Strategic Investments. These offer the countries of the region an opportunity to launch new joint investment projects and build on those already in progress. EUSALP can now be used as a vehicle for strategic investment that will benefit the region as a whole. The Alpine macro-region has huge potential, and joint planning by the countries and regions in the area, coupled with close involvement of local authorities and public and private bodies, can help to realise that potential. The Commission will need to work together with the EIB and international bodies in providing guidance and support for the implementation of the strategy.

Against this background, EUSALP offers the countries of the region an opportunity to invest in projects that will have an impact throughout the EU, and not just at regional level. It will allow new forms of multi-level governance to be developed, grounded in the regions but with the involvement of the European institutions.

Given that it has co-legislative powers in the field of cohesion policy, Parliament has a key role to play in the design and implementation of the strategy.