Due to the ‘Prespa Agreement’ between Greece and FYROM, through which FYROM has been recognised under the name ‘North Macedonia’, Greek companies using the designation of origin ‘Macedonian’ in their brand names have been put at a disadvantage.

In signing this agreement, the SYRIZA government has dealt a blow to Greek producers whose brand names include the words ‘Macedonia’ or ‘Macedonian’ and especially those who have failed to register a designation of origin, having left the problem of brand names to be resolved at a later date. Under the Prespa Agreement, a committee is expected to be set up tasked with reaching an agreement on this issue within five years.

In addition, the Skopje government, anticipating the agreement and pre-emptively violating it, has secured the name ‘Macedonian’ with the UN for its own use, thereby creating a major problem and muddying the waters regarding the designation of origin. Clearly, the brand name ‘Macedonian’, which has been identified with Greek products for the last century, is suddenly being ‘eroded’, resulting in enormous costs across the entire production chain in Northern Greece.

In view of the above, will the Commission say:

How will it protect the brand name ‘Macedonian’ for products of Greek origin?

In the context of commercial ties with FYROM, will it oblige that country to use the compulsory designation ‘Northern’ each time the brand name ‘Macedonia/Macedonian’ is used on its products so as to avoid confusion with Greek products?